Upcoming Webinar

AI and the Legal Landscape: A Roadmap for General Counsel

Join us on October 1st (1-2pm EDT) for an engaging webinar hosted by Legal Suite, in partnership with Today's General Counsel  where we will demystify the complex world of Artificial Intelligence  and explore its profound impact on the legal landscape.

This session will provide a comprehensive understanding of AI, share insights from a General Counsel, and delve into practical use cases of how AI tools can have a positive impact on Legal Departments.

Key Points:

  • AI for Beginners: Understanding the basics and benefits of AI in legal.
  • General Counsel's perspective: Embracing AI within legal teams.
  • Practical Use Cases: Real-world applications and tools attorneys can benefit from.

Register today to join the live discussion or to ensure you receive a recording of the event! 

Please complete this information to register to the webinar

Discover Our Expert Speakers

Jacques Waite
Corporate Director of Litigation
Industrial Alliance
Ramy Barsoum
Product Expert
Septeo Legal Suite

Why Attend? 

  • Expert Insights: Hear from seasoned professionals and AI experts who will provide valuable knowledge and actionable insights.
  • Interactive Q&A: Participate in a live Q&A session to get your specific questions answered.
  • Practical Guidance: Walk away with practical tips and strategies for leveraging AI in your legal department. 

Register today to join the live discussion or to ensure you receive a recording of the event!